Government of Sindh (GOS) enacted the Sindh Sales Tax on Service Act, 2011 (Sindh Act No.XII of 2011,for the levy and collection of Sindh Sales Tax (SST) on the services provided or rendered. This Act became effective from July 01, 2011, and SRB was made responsible for the administration, collection and enforcement levied of SST under the said Act. SRB is also responsible for the overall tax policy, taxpayers' education, taxpayers' facilitation and tax administration. SRB is headed by Chairman who is assisted by 4 Members, one each for Taxation (previously known as 'Operations'), Tax Policy, Audit and Support Services (For details see Organogram of Sindh Revenue Board).
SRB (Sindh Revenue Board) creates and maintains a comprehensive database of all RPs including their nature of business, taxes paid and other related information in order to generate timely and credible statistics for use in framing sustainable tax policies. Finally, it is proposed to have this system flexible enough to cater for changes in tax policies as well as absorb expansion to include other provincial taxes. The Board may, where appropriate, issue notifications, orders, advices, circulars, rulings and instructions for the enforcement of any of the provisions of fiscal laws and the provision of Act.
The Board meeting of SRB is held every month which is attended by the Chairman and the Members. The Secretary, SRB, acts as the Secretary of the Board. SRB is also assisted by a strong IT team and a state of the art Data Centre, capable enough to absorb, assimilate and store the data of all the provincial taxes in Sindh, is also operational in SRB. All registration, enrolment, tax payment and return-filing are on-line and done electronically. The database is used for assessment, audit, tax monitoring, tax coordination, and verifications.
In fact, SRB is envisaged to be the primary source and resource for provision of assistance and monitoring of all the tax revenue functions in Sindh.
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