Import And Export License Registration
WeBOCstands for Web Based One Customs, developed by PRAL to facilitate importers and exporters. It is a license of import and export, to become carry on the business of import and export one is required to get WeBOC.
It is a web based system for filing Goods Declarations (GD) for import and export cargo. Which can be used by both Importers, Exporters and their Customs Clearing Agents. At this point, WeBOC is necessary to carry out the business of import and export or both. WeBOC is the fundamental requirement for clearance of goods/shipment and the process of assessment of customs duty and taxes. If you don’t carry WeBOC ID along with you, than chances are strongly possible that may be your goods will not be allowed for shipment or will not be allowed for dispatch. In Pakistan, we can use the mediums for Import and Export like Air Cargo, Shipping Line and Courier Services.
- Sole Proprietor Original CNIC
- Nadra Verification
- Original National Income Tax Certificate
- Original Sales Tax Registration Certificate
- Valid Business (Office) Documents Premises Ownership/ Rent
- Agreement with Photo Copies of the Owner CNIC
- Valid Chamber Of Commerce Certificate
- Active Tax payer I. Tax
- Active Tax Payer S. Tax
- ATL / Online NTN Verification / Income Tax ATL
- Business (Office) Premises Electric Bill
- Business (Office) Premises PTCL Bill
- Undertaking as Per Format on Stamp Paper Rs: 100
- Bank Statement of the Firm for Last Six Months
- Bank Certificate of the Firm Account
- Cash Depot Rs: 500/- Bank Receipt
- Personel Appearance of the Sole Proprietor with Visiting Card
- Request for Issuance of WeBOC ID on Letter Head
- Partners Original CNIC
- Nadira Verification of Partners CNICS
- Original National Income Tax Certificate
- Original Sales Tax Registration Certificate
- Original Partnership deed
- Valid Business (Office) Documents premises Ownership/ Rent
- Valid Chamber Of Commerce Certificate,
- Active Tax Payer S. Tax.
- ATL / Online NTN Verification / Income Tax ATL.
- Bank Statement of the Firm for Last Six Months.
- Bank Certificate of the Firm Account.
- Cash Deposit Rs: 500/- Bank Receipt.
- Personel Appearance of the Partner with Visiting Card.
- Request Letter on Letter Head for WeBOC ID.
- Authority Letter from the other Partners on Stamp Paper Rs: 100.
Want Registration For WeBOC ID Card.
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